Sunday, May 17, 2015

Basic On-Page Optimization

On-Page SEO should be the first stop in any of your optimization approaches. The reason for this is that in order for your off-page tactics to become successful, they have to be directed to a website that’s proving to the search engines to be a valuable addition within their SERPs. With that in mind, let’s take a closer look at some of the biggest things to remember when doing On-Page optimization.

It’s just like school, do your homework for once!

The first thing that you need to do is research keywords that you’re going to target with your site. This way you know exactly what kind of changes and implementations need to be made on both sides of the SEO fence. Once you have a good list of keywords, you’re ready to continue on with your journey to achieving SEO success.

The META Life - No, it’s not a fraternity or sorority.

We’re talking about all kinds of cool things such as titles, descriptions, and keywords. While there’s a lot more entailed within the META life, these are the most important. Is your mouth watering yet? Alright, without further ado here you go.

     META Title - This is where you set the title that’s displayed at the top of of browsers. Search engines use it for the first line of the listing as well as to determine the relevance of each web page. The key here is to create something to entice people to click while naturally dropping in your keyword.
     META Description - This is what searches see below the title. It describes each page, and search engines use this to determine relevance as well. Create something that’s beneficial to those who read it while dropping in a keyword naturally to see the best results possible.
     META Keywords - This is how search engines really find out what search phrases you should come up on. Drop in keywords that are relevant to your site or page to let them know exactly what kind of searches you’re targeting.
For a quick reference on META tags. click here.

Your Content

The thing about content is that Google looks at it very closely these days. Their most powerful updates have targeted shoddy copy which ended up in a lot of websites losing their rankings. If you don’t know how to effectively write SEO copy, your best bet is to actually find a proven writer who does. By proven, I mean look for who stands out in the industry. Ask your AM or look in our Facebook group to see whether or not there’s a writer there that can help fulfill your needs.


The Map to the Treasure Chest

The treasure map for search engines is a sitemap. You want to always have one that stays updated to ensure that all of your pages get ranked. The best bet for this is to use a plugin if your website is powered by Wordpress or use the Google Sitemap Generator.

The easiest way by far to do all of your on-page SEO is to use Wordpress with plugins that help you accomplish the needed tasks. Wordpress not only makes SEO easier, but it also makes it easier to perform updates on your website. You can learn more by visiting the official Wordpress website.